How to cancel your subscription if you subscribed with the iOS AppStore

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone/iPad.
  2. Tap Your Name at the top of the screen.
  3. Tap Subscriptions.
  4. Select the Blue Canoe subscription.
  5. Tap “Cancel Subscription” and confirm your cancellation to stop it from auto-enrolling you in a paid subscription.
  6. If you have any trouble with these steps or need to cancel from your desktop computer, please consult Apple’s support page here.
  7. You can confirm all your Apple ID Trials and Subscription purchases by logging into your Apple ID account on their website at See Your Purchase History For the App Store, or by accessing your Purchase History in your Settings app.

Note: We’re unable to cancel your Apple subscription for you so you must follow the above steps to cancel it yourself. If you see the subscription expiration date at the top of your listing, and scrolling to the bottom you don’t see a link to cancel your subscription (instead you see text that suggests you can “resubscribe”), this indicates that you have already successfully canceled your subscription and do not need to take further action.